Fáilte Romhat

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  Griffiths Valuation Index Extracts - Westmeath

Griffiths Valuation - Westmeath 1854

This page contains extracts from Griffiths Valuation of Ireland Index for civil parishes in Westmeath.

Ardnurcher or Horseleap Drumraney Killagh Moylisker Rathgarve
Ballyloughloe Durrow Killare Mullingar Russagh
Ballymore Dysart Killua Multyfarnham St.Feighins
Ballymorin Enniscoffey Killucan Newtown St.Mary's
Bunown Faughalstown Killulagh Noughaval St.Mary's Athlone
Carrick Foyran Kilmacnevan Pass of Kilbride Stonehall
Castlelost Kilbeggan Kilmanaghan Piercetown Street
Castletowndelvin Kilbixy Kilpatrick Portloman Taghmon
Castletownkindalen Kilbride Lackan Portnashangan Templeoran
Churchtown Kilcleagh Leny Rahugh Templepatrick
Clonarney Kilcumny Lickbla Rathaspick Tyfarnham
Clonfad Kilcumreragh Lynn Rathconnell  
Conry Kilkenny West Mayne Rathconrath