Fáilte Romhat

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  Griffiths Valuation Index Extracts - North Tipperary

Griffiths Valuation - North Tipperary 1850-51

This page contains extracts from Griffiths Valuation of Ireland Index for civil parishes in North Tipperary.

Abington Castletownarra Kilclonagh Latteragh Templeachally
Aghnameadle Cloghprior Kilcomenty Lisbunny Templebeg
Aglishcloghane Corbally Kilfithmone Lorrha Templederry
Ardcrony Cullenwaine Kilkeary Loughkeen Templedowney
Athnid Dolla Killavinoge Loughmoe East Templemore
Ballingarry Doon Killea Loughmoe West Templeree
Ballycahill Dorrha Killodiernan Modreeny Templetouhy
Ballygibbon Drom Killoscully Monsea Terryglass
Ballymackey Dromineer Killoskehan Moyaliff Thurles
Ballymurreen Fertiana Kilmastulla Moycarky Toem
Ballynaclogh Finnoe Kilmore Moyne Twomileborris
Barnane-ely Galbooly Kilnaneave Nenagh Upperchurch
Borrisnafarney Glenkeen Kilnarath Rahelty Uskane
Borrisokane Holycross Kilruane Rathnaveoge Youghalarra
Bourney Inch Kilvellane Roscrea
Burgesbeg Kilbarron Knigh Shyane