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  Lewis Topographical Dictionary of Ireland

Lewis Topographical Dictionary of Ireland

Towns in County Cork

Samuel Lewis first publish his topographical dictionary of Ireland in 1837. This guide provided detailed information about villages and towns in Ireland prior to the 'An Gorta Mor' (The Great Famine). This page contains entries in Lewis Topographical Dictionary of Ireland 1837 for Cork city and several towns in County Cork. 

Ardfield Castlelyons Dunmanway Monkstown


Castlemartyr Dursey Island Newmarket
Ballydehob Castletownroche Freemount Ovens


Charleville Glanmire Passage West
Balitmore Clonakilty Glenville Rathcormac
Bandon Cloyne Inniscarra Rosscarbery
Bere Island Conna Innishannon Schull
Blackrock Corkbeg Kinsale Skibbereen
Blarney Cork City Lisgoold Watergrasshill
Buttevant Courtmacsherry Macroom Whiddy Island
Caheragh Cove Mallow Yoghal
Carrignavar Crosshaven Midleton  
Carrigtohill Doneraile Mitchelstown