Fáilte Romhat

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  Guy's Postal Directory 1914 for Cork City/County Ireland

Guy's Postal Directory 1914
for County Cork Ireland

Extracts from Guys 1914 Almanac & Directory for Cork  county .  Postal directory for towns in county Cork. 

If you notice any errors please let me know as my OCR software is not flawless. 

Adrigole Butlerstown Derrinagree Kilbrin Poulanargid
Aghabullogue Buttevant Desertserges Kilbrittain Queenstown
Aghada Caheragh Doneraile Kilcorney Rathcoole
Aghadown Cape Clear Donnybrook Kilcrohane Rathcormac
Aghinagh Carrigaline Donoughmore Kildinan Reananerre
Aherla Carrigaloe Douglas Kildorrery Reenascreena
Allihies Carriganimmy Drimoleague Killavullen Rerrin
Araglen Carrignavar Drinagh Killeagh Rineen
Ardfield Carrigrohane Dripsey Killinardrish Ring
Ardgroom Carrigtwohill Dromagh Kilmacsimon Quay Ringaskiddy
Ballinacarriga Castlecor Dromahane Kilmicheal Riverstick
Ballinaclashet Castlefreke Dromina Kilnap Riverstown
Ballinacurra Castlelyons Dunderrow Kilworth Roche's Point
Ballinadee Castlemartyr Dungourney Kingwilliamstown Rochestown
Ballinagree Castlepark Dunmanway Kinsale Rockchapel
Ballinamona Castletownbere Durrus Kiskeam Rock Island
Ballinascarthy Castletown Kinneigh Enniskeane Knockanevin Rockmills
Ballincollig Castletownroche Eyeries Knocknagree Rosscarbery
Ballincurrig Castletownshend Farnanes Knocknahorgan Rossmore
Ballineen Caum Farran Knockraha Rostellan
Ballingeary Cecilstown Farside Lackenduff Rushbrooke
Ballinhassig Charles Fort Fermoy Lombardstown Rylane
Ballinspittle Charleville Fort Camden Lowertown St. Ann's Hill
Ballinvonear Church Cross Fort Carlisle Lyre (Banteer) Scartlea
Ballyclogh Churchtown Fort Templebreedy Lyre (Clonakilty) Schull
Ballycotton Clashavodig Fort Westmoreland Macroom Scilly
Ballydehob Cloanmines Freemount Mallow Shanagarry
Ballyfeard Clonakilty Garinish Meelin Shanballymore
Ballygarvan Clonbannin Cross Geragh Midleton Sherkin Island
Ballyhooly Clondrohid Glandore Milford Skibbereen
Ballymacoda Clondulane Glanmire Millstreet Spike Island
Ballymakeery Clonmult Glantane Minane Bridge Summercove
Ballynoe Cloyne Glanworth Mitchelstown Tarelton
Ballyvoige Coachford Glenbrook Mogeely Templemartin
Ballyvourney Colomane Glengarriff Monkstown Timoleague
Baltimore Conna Glenville Mountpleasant Toames
Bandon Coolea Glounthaune Mountuniacke Toormore
Banteer Coppeen Goleen Myrtleville Tower
Bantry Courtmacsherry Grenagh Newcestown Tullylease
Bartlemy Cove Gyleen Newcourt Union Hall
Belgooly Creagh Harbour View Newmarket Upton
Belvelly Crookhaven Haulbowline Newtown Vicarstown
Bere Island Crookstown Howes Strand Nohoval Waterfall (Bantry)
Berrings Crosshaven Inchigeela Old Head Waterfall (Cork)
Blackrock Cullen Inniscarra Ovens Watergrasshill
Blarney Currabeha Innishannon Park North Whitechurch
Boherbue Curraglass Kanturk Passage West Whitegate
Brides Bridge Derinacarah Kealkil Pierson's Brigde Whites Cross
Burnfort Kilbarry Poulacurry Youghal